Out of the Pit: The Capital Accumulation of Cecil Rhodes
"Out of the Pit: The Capital Accumulation of Cecil [...]
"Out of the Pit: The Capital Accumulation of Cecil [...]
Cecil Rhodes Oudard, Georges (Paris, 1939) [...]
Rhodes Millin, Sarah Gertrude (London, Chatto & Windus, 1933) [...]
The Life of the Rt.Hon. Cecil John Rhodes 1853-1902 [...]
Rhode's - A Life McDonald, JG Philip Allan & [...]
Rhodes: A Life McDonald, J.G., (London, Geoffrey Bles, 1927) [...]
Rhodes, the Tswana and the British: Colonialism, Collaboration and [...]
The Cult of Rhodes Maylam, Paul David Philip 184 [...]
Cecil Rhodes Makers of History Maurois, Andre (London, Collins, [...]
Cecil Rhodes: The Anatomy of Empire Marlowe, John (London, [...]